The Orange Box
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Get the latest Half-Life 2: The Orange Box cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). has all you need to win every game you play!

Out of the five games included in The Orange Box, the majority of the narrative comes from Half-Life 2 and its expansions. The epic three-game series follows Gordon Freeman, a scientist who awakens from cryo-sleep into a world controlled by an evil empire known as the Combine. The Orange Box Microsoft Xbox 360 Video Games, The Orange Box Microsoft Xbox 360 2007 Video Games, Xbox 360 S Microsoft Xbox 360 Original Cases & Boxes, Xbox 360 Arcade Microsoft Xbox 360 Original Cases & Boxes, Microsoft Xbox 360 Replacement Casings/Housings, Microsoft Xbox 360 Video Games, Xbox 360 S Games and Consoles, Xbox 360 Sports Games. The Orange Box is a bundle that includes five titles from Valve: Half-Life 2; Half-Life 2:Episode 1; Half-Life 2: Episode Two; Team Fortress 2, the sequel to the game that put class-based, multiplayer team warfare on the map; and Portal, the game that blends puzzles, first person action, and adventu.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Half-Life 2: The Orange Box.
A Rocket To The Face
In Portal, at the end, use a portal to make the little rocket guy shoot at you. Angle it so you hit the Aperture girl (not yourself). Keep doing that and kill her. At the end there will be a song she sings.
To get invincibility press LB, Up, RB, Up, LB, LB, Up, RB, RB, Up.
Portal Placement Anywhere
During gameplay enter the following code: Y, A, BA, B, Y, Y, A, Left, Right.
Upgraded Portalgun
Enter: X, B, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, Left, Right, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, Left Trigger, Right Trigger
Full Ammo
During game play, press Y, B, A, X, RB, Y, X, A, B, RB.
Fire Energy Ball
Enter: Up, Y, Y, B, B, A, A, X, X, Up
Portalgun Id's

The Orange Box Achievements
ID 0: Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Y, Y
ID 1: Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X, X
ID 2: Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, A, A
ID 3: Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, B, B
No Clipping Mod
To get no clipping mod, put in, up (3), LB, UP (3), RB, UP(3).
Creat Box In Portal
During gameplay enter the following code: Down, B,A, B, Y, Down, B, A, B, Y
Unlock All Levels
Press Left, Left, Left, Left, LB, Right, Right, Right, Right, RB at the cheat screen.
Refill Health
For a 25 health Med Pack, press Up, Up, Down,Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.
The Orange Box Cheat Codes
We have no unlockables for Half-Life 2: The Orange Box yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Half-Life 2: The Orange Box yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Half-Life 2: The Orange Box yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
TF2: Holiday Achievements

TF2: Astro Achievements
Best Case Scenario | Kill 6 enemies carrying the Australium during the same round. |
Cap-ogee | Win a round with at least 5 teammates on the elevator. |
Doomsday Milestone | Achieve 7 of the achievements in the Doomsday pack. |
Escape Ferocity | Kill an enemy who has damaged the Australium carrier in the last 3 seconds. |
Failure to Launch | Kill 3 players riding the elevator within 10 seconds. |
Flight Crew | Play in a game with 5 or more players from your Friends list. |
Lift-offed | Push a player into the rocket's exhaust path at the end of the round. |
Mission Control | Pick up the Australium from its home position and capture it without dropping it. |
Plan Nine to Outer Space | Launch the rocket as all 9 classes. |
Rocket Booster | Win a round after the enemy team has opened the rocket lid. |
Space Camp | Kill an enemy within the broken crate area while they attempt to pick up the neutral Australium. |
The Fight Stuff | Win 138 Rounds. |
TF2: Replay Update Achievements
Blockbuster | Achieve 100,000 YouTube™ views for your movie. |
Home Movie | Achieve 100 YouTube™ views for your movie. |
Indie Film Sensation | Achieve 10,000 YouTube™ views for your movie. |
Local Cinema Star | Achieve 1,000 YouTube™ views for your movie. |
Star of My Own Show | Spend some time editing a replay. |
That’s a Wrap | Save your very first replay. |
Time For Your Close-Up, Mr. Hale | Render a replay into a movie. |
We Can Fix It In Post | While watching a replay, press space bar to enter the editor. |