Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep
The fourth DLC for Borderlands 2 focuses on the pint-sized psychopath known as Tiny Tina, and unlike the other DLC’s available, this one has some ties to the main game and is even a little heart. If you have Borderlands 2, I highly recommend the season pass (which includes Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep DLC) or just Tiny Tina’s DLC for 9.99 on steam. Plus it’s Tiny Tina (everyone loves Tiny Tina)! If you’re a gamer, and haven’t gotten Borderlands 2 yet, it is really an experience you wouldn’t want to miss out on. I really like the concept behind Tiny Tina role playing a game with the vault hunters, however I am annoyed that the DLC is so frustratingly hard at times. I'm level 52 Zer0 playing solo in TVHM and am trying to enter the Dragon Keep where you have to battle the Handsome Dragon (also level 52) on a bridge with Roland. Join vault hunters, old and new, in Tiny Tina epic quest of revenge and redemption. Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, the biggest and most inspired add-on content in Borderlands history, features a game within a game, as Tiny Tina takes on the role of Bunker Master in a game of “Bunkers & Badasses”. Travel through a dark and ever changing world of castles, dungeons and magic forests as you fight off.
Borderlands' sense of humor has always been a celebration of geek culture. It's a world full of allusions that are somehow equal parts reverence and satire, and is perhaps as well known for that as it is for its gun variety, psycho goons, and over the top freeze frame character introductions. The latest DLC, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, is no exception to that rule. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll do morally questionable things like forcefully intoxicate dwarves in order to crush them and steal the beard-hair from their cold, dead bodies. You're going to have a wicked good time playing this, and for a good 10 to 20 hours at that.

As a vault hunter you've saved the world twice over now, and yet, as impossible as it seems, life somehow still goes on in the Borderlands. The villains have been vanquished, but so have many friends - including some that were very dear to our favorite preteen psychopath, Tina. In true geek fashion, Tina is dealing with her grief by turning to the one place she knows she can hide from a truth that she's not yet ready to face: Her imagination. Who hasn't been there? And so our plucky survivors trade guns for dice and set off to start their first campaign of Bunkers & Badasses. This of course makes Tina the Bunker Master, or B.M, a title only to be invoked in the most dire of circumstances.

Tiny Tina Borderlands 2
Your journey starts by drifting into the Flamerock Refuge Docks, a land blighted by an evil and suspiciously handsome sorcerer. The sorcerer's tower looms menacingly over the small local village, and it's your quest to defeat him and restore peace to the land. Your adventure will be a veritable theme park of fantasy references ranging from Lord of the Rings to World of Warcraft as you set out to rescue the ubiquitous kidnapped princess. Ordinarily such a derivative plotline might feel cliché, but the game is self aware enough to make it feel like an inside joke, turning what could have been boring into something quite funny instead.
You'll encounter a host of new warriors and weapons to mow them down with, though the new mix of weapons isn't anything to write home about. Orcs, dragons and all manner of classic undead minions will slink out from the shadows to ambush you in force. Some of them will spring from unexpected places, like the Mimic that resembles a chest until you try to loot it: The worst nightmare of someone hooked on that box opening kick. It's similar to the main game's loot midgets, but slightly more terrifying as the container itself morphs into a creature resembling the classic 80's version of The Thing.
Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep Trophy Guide
The tone is different the themes are different it is full of new people and even the characters that are reused show completely different facets of themselves, you have to be actively ignoring everything the story says to believe the game is a BD2 clone. This is a pre-apocalypse greek tragedy to Borderlands 2 post-mortem of the Borderlands 1 world.